Additional Programs
Enhanced Learning with Extracurricular Activities
In addition to the regular curriculum, your child will join staff and students at CCS as they begin each day with in-class devotions; the school body meets weekly for praise and worship in chapel. Through participating in music, athletic, and extracurricular opportunities, students further develop the leadership attributes they’ve begun to learn about in their classes. Each year our students strengthen their skills and develop their interests through these addition programs offered.
Students at CCS who have special needs or learning challenges are referred to our resource program. We have a qualified resource teacher and a part-time assistant. Students participate in the resource program through teacher and/or parental referrals. Individual educational plans are developed for students if necessary and are reassessed regularly. Every attempt is made to ensure good communication with parents by way of conferences and written reports.
Community Care Access Centre (Ottawa-Carleton)
Students in Senior Kindergarten or older who may require speech, occupational or physical therapy will be referred to the Ottawa-Carleton CCAC. Assessment and intervention may be carried out at the school by CCAC.
Intramural team sports take place during the lunch recess at various times throughout the school year. Open to students from grades 1–8, these consist of volleyball, soccer, badminton, basketball and floor hockey. In addition, grades 7 and 8 students participate in soccer, volleyball, and basketball tournaments sponsored by the Eastern Ontario Christian schools. The school also participates in the annual Regional Christian Schools Track and Field Day.
After School Care
As part of the mission of our school, Community Christian School provides an After School Care (ASC) program from 3:00–5:00 pm daily for our students. Given that some parents are working later than a traditional school day, CCS provides a service of caring for their children beyond school hours. Our ASC program provides supervised play time, both inside and outside (depending on weather), and also a quiet area for students to complete homework.
Other Co-Curricular Activities
Science Fairs (grades 5–8), Spelling Bees, overnight class trips (grades 7–8), field trips, theatre and drama trips, lunchtime clubs that allow children in different grades to work and play together (Lego Club, Choir, Black Light Theatre Club, Sketching Club, etc.)…and much more!