We encourage parents interested in our school to visit and, as such, offer several opportunities to do so.
Chapel is held weekly (typcially Wednesdays at 8:15 a.m.) and is open to anyone who wishes to attend. Please check with our school office to confirm the day and time of chapel as it sometimes takes place on another morning. Please note that visitors must sign in at the office.
Student for a Day
Considering CCS for your son or daughter? We offer the opportunity for prospective students to spend a day with us---attending classes and meeting with student-mentors & teachers. Should an experience such as this interest you, please contact the school office to arrange your visit.
By Appointment
We are more than happy to accommodate appointments for those who cannot attend one of our open houses or chapels. We also invite interested parents to come sit in one of our classrooms and observe our teachers and students in action. Please call our office at (613) 821-3669 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to meeting you!